“ 気持ちの数だけスタイルがあっていい “
マルチフィールドアーティスト/モットー: アートは目醒めを促す愛のコミニケーションツールだ!
ヨーロッパ、アジア、中東、アメリカ大陸、世界22カ国で発表/国際賞受賞作家/活動分野: 絵画,彫刻,映像,ボイス
◆What is Art ? For me
it is that 想像力、創造性、愛の心を育てる体験
⚫︎お問い合わせはInstagram へ
世界22カ国 4大陸で作品発表
参加Artフェア 🇫🇷ルーブル美術館
国際Art 活動
UAE Woman in Art
Japan Ambassador
Unota United Nation
Japan Ambassador
Project Shanti Kids Head
🇮🇹ContemporaryArt Protagonists2023
🇮🇹World Top100 Artists 2023
🇮🇹🇰🇷合同 Excellent Art Award
🇱🇺Luxembourg Art prize アチーブメント賞
●Solo Exhibition 1999- 2024年
2024年・常設2001 より現在
老舗カフェレストラン サロンドジュリエ
2017年・Before The Beginning, After The End : Cecilia K Solo show / Gallery KAORU “ 華音留 “ – Tokyo, Japan
2016年・Meditation: Cecilia K Art Solo Show / Ginza Juliett – Tokyo , Ginza,
・Ark on Life / Cecilia Kaoru Solo Show in Ginza / ARKNESS Art & Design Gallery – Tokyo, Japan
2007年・Solo show : Meditation , Poetry Reading at Wonder Cafe Kamakura
2004年・Jathaka Story : At Gallery Mabui – Yokoyama, Japan
2003年・Santiago de Compostela Leaves Gallery Yokohama japan
2002年・Alchemist: Leaves Gallery Yokohama japan
2001年・The Secret Garden , Ginza Juliet
Art Fair/ International Exhibition
2024年 Museo Metropolitan Rima, Peru
2023年・Muse du Louvre Carrousel du Louvre Art Shopping
2022年 Art Connect Woman in Dubai UAE (Ambassador of Japan)
•Celebrating Spirit of Womanhood India
•Vision Art Media Exhibition Now ! / Changwon Daesan Museum of Art,Korea
・Nov Egypt International Sun Boats Exhibition
・Sep, 2nd 《North American International Festival of Arts 》
・UGSIFF《Save the Planet》Public Welfare Art Exhibition in Taipei
・Nov, Dec Vision Art Media’s exhibition ,Korea Yukyung Art museum
・Nov,Egypt Cairo Oscar Land Art International Exhibition
・Sep, 1st 《North American International Festival of Arts 》2021 UGSIFF《Save the Planet》Online Public Welfare Art Exhibition
・Sep , Nigde Turkish International Exhibition : You & Me Under the Rainbow , Earthquake 8
・Sep- Oct Haegeumgang Theme Museum International Art Festival
・Nov , National Art Gallery Maldive International Art Exhibition
・March India , The Spirit of Womanhood International Exhibition , By La Artemisia Studio & Gallery
・Sep / International Exhibition in Padova Italy 🇮🇹
・Bulgaria Triennial International Exhibition
・Art 3f Monacò Art Fair / Principality of Monaco 🇲🇨 – Mónaco
・Internacional de Aquaria / Castle of Urbino – Urbino, Italy
・5th Geoje International Art Festival / Haegeumgang Theme Museum – Geoge Island, South Korea
・Sesshu International Kyokai Exhibition / Japan National Art Center – Tokyo, Japan 東京国立新美術館
・QIAF Qatar International Art Festival Exhibition / Fire Museum – Doha, Qatar
・WOMAN IN ART / Art Hub Gallery – Dubai, UAE
・Anima Mundi Festival, Consciousness. ITS LIQUID GROUP / It‘s Liquid international art show – Venezia, Italy
・International Art Exhibition Matera Italy
・Art de Communication organize
・International Art & Music Educational Exhibition : Lebanon National Library Baakleen – Baakleen, Lebanon , India AIRD Education Center, Tokyo( JTrip Art gallery )
2021年・Gallery Around the World Egyptian TV Chanel 7
・Turkish Newspaper Havadis
・Cecilia Long Interview
・Italy Costa Smeralda Art Handbook
・Art Blessings :Journey of Three Sages by Cecilia Kaoru Video Art YouTube
・首屆《北美國際藝術節》暨 2021環球小金人《守護地球》線上公益藝術大展
・Queen Art Gallery Italy YouTube channel .
●Art Book
2024年・Art Book 2 / Global Art Carnival
2023年・Contemporary Artist
2021年・Costa Smeralda Art Hand Book https://www.handbookcostasmeralda.com/cecilia-kaoru/
● Catalogue
2023年・Leonard Da Vinchi International
・Pegasus International prize
2020年・Art 3F Monaco InternationalArt Fair
・Bulgaria Triennial International Exhibition
2019年・Italy ,International de Aquarela / Castle of Urbino
・Korea , 5th Geoje International Art Festival / *Haegeumgang Theme Museum – Geoge Island
2018年・Sesshu International Kyokai Exhibition /Japan National Art Center
2017年・Luca Curci- It’s Liquid group
・Anima Mundi International Art Festival 2016 Pino Nicoletti – Catalogue : Matera Arte Internationale 4th Matera Italy
●Collections in Museum
・title “ – The man who wearing The Mother Earth -Young Cheon Eob YU , A soul who hopes World peace “ / Yukyung Modern Art Gallery / Haegeumgang theme museum , South Korea
・title Journey of Soul : Myth & Legend series / Yukyung Modern Art Gallery / Haegeumgang theme museum , South Korea
・title : North and South : Haegeugang museum South Korea
●Award / Prize / Certification
・Italy Leonardo da Vinci International prize
・Italy Art Symbol Pegasus Art Prize
・Italy Contemporary Art Protagonist
・Italy Top Artists 100 prize
・Colombia National Prize for fine arts, world and cultural heritage.
・UNOTA; UNESCO (United Nations Art and science) Certification Japan Ambassador
・Committee of BIAF , Korea International Art Exhibition
・Lxembourg Art Prize 2021
・Certificate of Artistic Achievement
・Mellow Art Award Japan
・Costanza Excellent Award (Haegeumgang Theme Museum)
・Action Art Award – Doha, Qatar
・UNESCO Art Award Doha Qatar
・Action Art Award Qatar Art Festival 2018,Costanza Excellent Award , South Korea
・ICAF Award Haegeumgang Theme Museum
●Important Exhibition list
・Solo show in Japan since 1999 to 2023
・Group Exhibition in National Art center Japan
・2023 Global Carnival promote Exhibition And others
● Art Educational and Support Project
Participation in medical conferences (Treatment with Art)
Research : Self integration sensitivity Elevation program
Support: International Exhibition group
Master Brush association by UNOTA