2021.01.30 ~ 2021.02.20
”I woke up and ate two pieces of toast and a fried egg. I like gooey yolk. I wanted to draw with blue paint, but I didn’t have one. I like “3” and “8” but don’t like “5”. Because of rain, lines got blurred with moisture. Then night fell as I was drawing dots.”
Ohshima Fine Artで4回目となる今回の玉川宗則の個展では、金剛界曼荼羅と胎蔵界曼荼羅の作品を展示します。
Tamagawa’s 4th solo exhibition at Ohshima Fine Art presents Womb Realm and Diamond Realm from The Mandala of the Two Realms.
Both works measure 3.5m x 2.7m (137.8” x 106.3”), consist of 9 pieces each, and are now Tamagawa’s masterpiece.