
ご挨拶 (Greeting)

作家名 Imai Atsushiと言います。2014年から約20年ぶりにイラストレーター業と一緒に復帰いたしました。絵のスタイルは鉛筆と色鉛筆だけで描いております。この「だけ」が非常にポイントで私にお場合には「他の道具は使わない」で描いております。もちろん消しゴムも含めてですよ。失敗していようがなくても描き始めたら終わるまで一本です。だから制作時間も人一倍かかるのが特徴です。
そして本来ならもっと早くに契約していましたニューヨークのアートシーンのど真ん中のチェルシー地区にあるギャラリーAgora galleryとのプロモーション専属契約をしました。
(First of all, I would like to say hello.
The writer's name is Imai Atsushi. From 2014, I returned with the illustrator business for the first time in about 20 years. The style of the picture is drawn only with pencils and colored pencils. This "only" is a very important point, and in my case I draw it as "I do not use other tools". Of course, including the eraser. Even if you can't make a mistake, once you start drawing, it's one until the end. Therefore, the feature is that the production time is longer than that of other people.
And the gallery in the Chelsea district in the middle of the New York art scene, which I originally signed earlier Agora gallery .
My painting is a fusion of the concept of women and landscapes and Japanese subculture.
My goal is to express and embody with pencils and colored pencils that are everywhere in the world.)

(And we are also pursuing sexuality. Don't get me wrong, I don't express it from the straightforward "sexual activity" that other artists sometimes draw. My pursuit of "inner sex". From now on, human beings will have to think about the true meaning of freedom as well as borders and ideas over various values. It is necessary for all generations to understand the sharing of values ​​that are all natural, with no correct answers or mistakes. I would like to be able to express the inside in a picture.)
Imai Atsushi

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